The Foot Clinics – Wagga & Wodonga

Stress Fractures

Treatments for Stress Fractures From Our Professionals

Treatments for stress fractures are a common requirement, given how many people have this type of foot injury. This injury can occur when a bone in the foot experiences repeated stress or pressure over time. Our team treats stress fractures often and can provide you with reliable information and assistance to improve your quality of life.

Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention

Understanding a condition is the first step to better managing it and seeking assistance when necessary. Consider the information below on the causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention methods for stress fractures.


There are a variety of things that can lead to stress fractures. Some of these include:
  • Overuse. Repeated stress or pressure on a bone in the foot can eventually cause a small crack, ultimately leading to a stress fracture.
  • Foot structure. If you have high arches or flat feet, you are at an increased risk of stress fractures.
  • Changes in physical activity. Exerting sudden changes in force and stress on your feet can lead to stress fractures. These sudden changes are common in rapidly changing exercise plans, for example.


Symptoms of stress fractures may include:
  • Pain that worsens with activity and improves with resting the affected area.
  • Swelling.
  • Bruising.
  • Tenderness to the touch.
  • Difficulty walking or standing up.


There are a range of treatment options for stress fractures. In most cases, the treatment is merely rest and immobilisation to allow healing of the bone. Other treatments may include:
  • Pain management. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other pain relievers may be prescribed to manage pain and inflammation.
  • Protective footwear or bracing. A protective shoe or brace may be recommended to help support the foot and reduce stress on the affected bone.
  • Orthotic therapy. Devices to offload the injured area and address the underlying mechanical causes of the injury.
  • Physical therapy. Physical therapy exercises may be prescribed to help strengthen the muscles and improve foot mechanics.
  • Surgery. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to repair a severe stress fracture that does not heal with conservative treatment.


To reduce the risk of stress fractures, you can:
  • Gradually increase the intensity of physical activity over time.
  • Wear appropriate footwear that provides adequate support and cushioning.
  • Use proper technique during physical activity to reduce stress on the feet and legs.
  • Take breaks during physical activity to rest and stretch.

Browse Our Services and Find Treatment for Your Conditions

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above and want a check-up to make sure you get the right treatment, we can help. Browse our range of services now or book an appointment with one of our professionals for proper foot care.

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